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The train method allows you to train your network with given parameters. If this documentation is too complicated, I recommend to check out the training tutorial!


Initiating the training process is similar to initiating the evolution process:

myNetwork.train(trainingSet, options)

Training set

Where set is an array containing objects in the following way: { input: [input(s)], output: [output(s)] }. So for example, this is how you would train an XOR:

var network = new architect.Perceptron(2,4,1);

// Train the XOR gate
network.train([{ input: [0,0], output: [0] },
               { input: [0,1], output: [1] },
               { input: [1,0], output: [1] },
               { input: [1,1], output: [0] }]);

network.activate([0,1]); // 0.9824...


Options allow you to finetune the training process:

  • log - If set to n, will output the training status every n iterations (log : 1 will log every iteration)
  • error - The target error to reach, once the network falls below this error, the process is stopped. Default: 0.03
  • cost - The cost function to use. See cost methods. Default: methods.cost.MSE
  • rate - Sets the learning rate of the backpropagation process. Default: 0.3.
  • dropout - Sets the dropout of the hidden network nodes. Read more about it on the regularization page. Default: 0.
  • shuffle - When set to true, will shuffle the training data every iteration. A good option to use if your network is performing less in cross validation than in the real training set. Default: false
  • iterations - Sets the amount of iterations the process will maximally run, even when the target error has not been reached. Default: NaN
  • schedule - You can schedule tasks to happen every n iterations. An example of usage is schedule : { function: function(data){console.log(, data.error)}, iterations: 5}. This will log the time and error every 5 iterations. This option allows for complex scheduled tasks during training.
  • clear - If set to true, will clear the network after every activation. This is useful for training LSTM's, more importantly for timeseries prediction. Default: false
  • momentum - Sets the momentum of the weight change. More info here. Default: 0
  • ratePolicy - Sets the rate policy for your training. This allows your rate to be dynamic, see the rate policies page. Default: methods.rate.FIXED()
  • batchSize - Sets the (mini-) batch size of your training. Default: 1 (online training)

If you want to use the default options, you can either pass an empty object or just dismiss the whole second argument:

myNetwork.evolve(trainingSet, {});

// or


The default value will be used for any option that is not explicitly provided in the options object.


So the following setup will train until the error of 0.0001 is reached or if the iterations hit 1000. It will log the status every iteration as well. The rate has been lowered to 0.2.

var network = new architect.Perceptron(2,4,1);

var trainingSet = [
  { input: [0,0], output: [1] },
  { input: [0,1], output: [0] },
  { input: [1,0], output: [0] },
  { input: [1,1], output: [1] }

// Train the XNOR gate
network.train(trainingSet, {
  log: 1,
  iterations: 1000,
  error: 0.0001,
  rate: 0.2


The last option is the crossValidate option, which will validate if the network also performs well enough on a non-trained part of the given set. Options:

  • crossValidate.testSize - Sets the amount of test cases that should be assigned to cross validation. If set to 0.4, 40% of the given set will be used for cross validation.
  • crossValidate.testError - Sets the target error of the validation set.

So an example of cross validation would be:

var network = new architect.Perceptron(2,4,1);

var trainingSet = [
  { input: [0,0], output: [1] },
  { input: [0,1], output: [0] },
  { input: [1,0], output: [0] },
  { input: [1,1], output: [1] }

// Train the XNOR gate
network.train(trainingSet, {
  crossValidate :
      testSize: 0.4,
      testError: 0.02

PS: don't use cross validation for small sets, this is just an example!